Forest Lakes Metropolitan District and
Piñon Pines Metropolitan District Nos. 1-3
The Forest Lakes Metropolitan District (FLMD) is responsible for water and wastewater services, drainage, parks and trails, landscaping and streetlight services for the three Piñon Pines Metropolitan Districts. FLMD provides water service from two Denver Basin wells, a well-head treatment plant, and from the surface water treatment plant which accesses surface water stored in Bristlecone Reservoir.
Notice of Proposed Rate Increase
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to C.R.S. Section 32-1-1001(2), the Boards of Directors of…
FLMD and PPMD #2 and #3 – Notice as to Canceled Meeting October 7, 2024
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular joint meeting of Forest Lakes Metropolitan District and…
PPMD #3 – Special Meeting Agenda August 14, 2024
The board is meeting via teleconference and anyone wishing to listen to the meeting may…