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Frequently Asked Questions

How safe is the dam?

Both the Bristlecone and Piñon Dams were constructed in 1986 and are continually monitored by our district engineer and caretaker and are subject to rigorous inspections by the State Dam Inspector every three years. The State Dam Inspector provides detailed directions on the specific maintenance activities to be accomplished, and our district engineer oversees the resulting work.

Can we have water activities on Piñon?

The Forest Lakes Metropolitan District board has decided that Piñon will be a NON-ACTIVE lake and NO recreational activities such as fishing, watercraft, swimming, wading or access of ANY KIND on Piñon Lake will be allowed.

Do the lakes ever dry up?

While both Bristlecone and Piñon Reservoirs do shrink during dry periods, in recent history the level in Bristlecone Reservoir has not fallen more than 10 feet or so. Because Piñon is so much smaller – and fed by releases from Bristlecone Reservoir – in very dry periods it has virtually dried up. The water shortage provisions that are included in FLMD utility rules and regulations are designed to prevent significant declines in the level of Bristlecone Reservoir, as this is an important drinking water source for Forest Lakes.

How is Piñon lake fed?

Piñon reservoir is fed almost exclusively from Bristlecone Reservoir. When Bristlecone is full and spilling, the spill water can be directed by pipe into Piñon Reservoir. When Bristlecone is relatively full but not spilling, lake water can be delivered by pipe to Piñon Reservoir. If the lake level of Bristlecone drops significantly, pumping would be required to get lake water into the pipeline to Piñon Reservoir. Thus, typically during low flow, low lake level periods, the level of water in Piñon Reservoir materially declines.

How is the water quality?

Currently, the water quality from the two Denver Basin wells and from Bristlecone Reservoir is tested quarterly. The water supply sources meet all water quality standards of the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE). The “treated water” quality from both the well-head treatment plant and the surface water treatment plants are tested on a schedule provided by CDPHE. Again, that water quality meets all State requirements.

How often is it checked for quality?

As noted, raw water from both the two Denver Basin wells and Bristlecone Reservoir are currently being tested quarterly. FLMD is classified as a community water system by CDPHE. Treated water from our well-head treatment plant and surface water treatment plants are tested based on reporting and testing timeframes as dictated by CDPHE.

What are the rates for the various services?

The rates, fees and charges schedule for FLMD are included on this website on the Billing & Rates page.

What does Triview do?

Triview Metropolitan District is under contract with FLMD to run both the water and wastewater systems that serve the Forest Lakes development. Triview has years of experience operating its water and wastewater systems, which serve a significant part of the Town of Monument. Its operators are licensed operators, fully qualified and certified by the State of Colorado. Triview also provides all meter reading and billing services for FLMD and all its customers within the Forest Lakes area and, in addition, provides all landscaping services for the Forest Lakes area.

What does Forest Lakes Metropolitan District do?

Forest Lakes Metropolitan District (FLMD) is the operating district for the three Piñon Pines Metropolitan Districts (referred to as PPMD #1, PPMD #2 and PPMD #3, collectively the Piñon Districts). FLMD provides water, sewer and landscaping services for the Piñon Districts. FLMD maintains Waterfront Park and the trails within the Forest Lakes area. FLMD also maintains the stormwater discharge facilities within the Piñon Districts. FLMD has contracted with Triview Metropolitan District to operate the water and sewer systems and for maintenance of the other areas of infrastructure – for example, taking care of the Waterfront Park.

What do the mill levies for the Piñon Districts pay for?

All three Piñon Districts certify mill levies for both operations and maintenance (O&M) and for debt service. Currently (in 2022) the total mill levy for both functions for PPMD #1 is 42.633 mills. For PPMD #2, the total mill levy is 55.644 and for PPMD #3, the total mill levy is 50,000 mills. The O&M mill levy helps to cover a portion of the administrative and legal expenses incurred by FLMD to operate the various systems within the Forest Lakes development. The debt service mill levy helps to cover some of the repayment obligations incurred by PPMD #1 and #2 and by FLMD for past development activities with respect to the utility, parks, trails, stormwater and road infrastructure.

What is a surface water treatment plant?

Not to be confused with a wastewater sewage treatment plant, the surface water treatment plant purifies water taken from Bristlecone Reservoir used for drinking water for the Forest Lakes development. The surface water treatment plant, the transmission line, and water intake line going into the lake were constructed in 2019.

What is the depth and size of the lakes?

Bristlecone Reservoir is approximately 65 surface acres and has varying depths with a 55 foot depth at its deepest part. Pinon Reservoir is approximately 14 surface acres and is generally about 20 feet deep at its deepest point.

What is the relationship between FLMD and the Forest Lakes Residential Owners Association (HOA)?

Basically, the two have very different functions. FLMD, as explained in the questions above, operates the water, wastewater and landscaping functions for the Forest Lakes development. While FLMD owns and maintains the parks and trails within the Forest Lakes development, it has hired the HOA to manage the reservation and permit activities with respect to the park and lakes. The HOA mainly serves to fulfill the purposes of the homeowner’s association as they are specified in the Association’s Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, as well as other governing documents (Design Guidelines). Those purposes include covenant control, architectural control and general administrative responsibilities. For comprehensive information on the HOA, please see the development website at

Where can I check to see how safe the drinking water is?

The State of Colorado requires that community water systems file Consumer Confidence Reports with the State and transmit that report to its consumers annually. All recent Consumer Confidence Reports are saved to the website. If you have any specific concerns about the quality of your drinking water, you may contact our system operator, Triview Metropolitan District, at any time.

Where do the lakes get their water?

The water in both Bristlecone and Piñon Reservoirs comes from the Beaver Creek watershed, which runs through the Forest Lakes area from its origin on the Rampart Range.

Why can’t we swim in the lakes?

Because the water in Bristlecone Reservoir is used as a drinking water supply for the Forest Lakes development, FLMD has been advised by its engineers that it is prudent to avoid having human contact with the water. From a water quality perspective therefore, it has been determined that it is best to prohibit any activities that result in human contact with the water in the reservoir, such as swimming. FLMD evaluated how to proceed with respect to Piñon Reservoir, which will not be used as a source of our drinking water supply. The board has decided that Piñon Lake will be a NON-ACTIVE lake and NO recreational activities will be allowed.

Why do the Bristlecone and Piñon lake levels fluctuate?

Fluctuations in the level of Bristlecone Lake are due to a number of factors including the amount of water pumped from the lake to meet resident water demands, changes in the amount of flow in Beaver Creek, precipitation and evaporation rates from the lake. Fluctuations in the lake level in Piñon Lake are due to the amount of inflow to the lake from Bristlecone – if any – and precipitation and evaporation rates.

Real Estate

Where do I find information regarding residential real estate?

For more information regarding residential listings in Forest Lakes, please visit their official website at

Lakes & Parks

How do I get a permit to access lake amenities?

To obtain a permit for lake amenities, including fishing, the dock or to reserve the picnic/pavilion/amphitheater, please contact the Forest Lakes Residential Owners Association (HOA) at 719-389-0700.

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